Friday, January 13, 2006

Undangan Pernikahan

Teriring maaf, tidak dapat langsung menghantarkan undangan pada hari bahagia kami. Namun, email ini semoga dapat mewakili pemberitahuan dan permohonan doa restu kami.
Maha Suci Allah penguasa seluruh takdir, atas kemurahan-Mu, perkenankanlah kami:
Rr. Dewi Mar'atusshalihah, SHi
Binti Bpk R Shomad Muhdhlor Abdul Razaq, Purworejo
H. Masyhuri, Lc
Bin Bpk. H. Mas'ud, Bangka,
untuk Mengikuti sunnah Rasul-Mu dalam membentuk keluarga yang Sakinah Mawaddah wa Rahmah Penuh Barakah
Akad Nikah
Kamis, 26 Januari 2006
Pukul 19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Ahad, 29 Januari 2006
Pukul 09.00 - 15.00 WIB
Bertempat di Kediaman Mempelai Wanita
Cangkrep Kidul, No 02 Rt I/II Purworejo Jawa Tengah
Merupakan suatu kehormatan dan kebahagiaan kami, apabila Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/Saudari berkenan hadir untuk memberikan doa restu kepada kami.
Atas doa restunya kami ucapkan Terimakasih
Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah
Kedua Mempelai
Dewi dan Masyhuri
Keluarga Bpk R Shomad Muhdhlor Abdul Razaq Keluarga Bpk H Mas'ud
Ibu Sunarsih Ibu Kartini
Purworejo Bangka
Barakallahu Lakuma, wa Baraka Alaikuma, wa Jama'a Bainakuma Fi Khair
Dewi (Malaysia) : +6017 277 4915
Dewi (Indonesia) : +62813 2855 2854
Masyhuri (Indonesia) : + 6281381530848

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Muslim...Wake Up! Aya Sofia Mosque

This is my chatting with my sister, Rusian Muslim. It give me spirit to re-wake up. I share to you all. But the English is broken...., chatt is in hurry. I'l add photos, later. shaliha81: assalamu'alaikum sister, how are you? eakhmetova: wa aleykum assalam, sister. I am fine. how are you? shaliha81: I'm fine too, still finishing all of my duties, before going back to Indonesia eakhmetova: when you are leaving, sister. I hope that it is only for while? shaliha81: are you still doing making a book right now? eakhmetova: I was in Turkey, sister for a month eakhmetova: I liked Istanbul very much, found tremendous information for my thesis eakhmetova: now I am reading it , after while, I ll start my proposal, insha Allah eakhmetova: now I am working for one research center, translating some information eakhmetova: ok, I am sending some pictures of Istanbul to your box shaliha81: ooo, thank you.... shaliha81: I hope to be there, someday eakhmetova: insha Allah eakhmetova: sister, I am sending a picture of ayasofia. blue mosque, and some pictures from Topkapi Palace eakhmetova: enjoy it shaliha81: waw, great and beautifull eakhmetova: yes, sister, history of Turkey is beautiful shaliha81: is the mosque still become museum till now? eakhmetova: Aya Sofia? eakhmetova: it must be a museum, sister. because it belongs not only to Muslims eakhmetova: It was built by Easter church in 6th century eakhmetova: was the center of government of Eastern roman empire. eakhmetova: there are lot of Christian imagesuntil now eakhmetova: it deserves to be a museum, because it belongs to many civilizations eakhmetova: there are lot of other mosques in that place. by the way, in Ayasofia itself, there is one part from other enterance. it is musallah. people can pray there shaliha81: maybe, until now, Christian want to hand over ayasofia, claiming that the place was originally a church. is'n it? eakhmetova: no sister, eakhmetova: christians are not like this eakhmetova: because their religion is not strong enough. but, jewish people can do it by showing to christians to hold it eakhmetova: but I think, if there will be many christians in istanbul, why they cannot have a chance to have their own church? it is their right. eakhmetova: according to Aya Sofia, it has 4 minarets whish are supporting it. if christians will return it, it is meaning, they have to remove these minaters. but aya sofia will collapse after it eakhmetova: it is very old, sister shaliha81: 1500 years? eakhmetova: we are talking about al-aqsa, for examle, returning it back to muslims. but what about returning back what belongs to other civilizations? eakhmetova: yes, near to 1500 years shaliha81: but, until now, inside the aya sofia still many simbol of christian and muslim, together inside? there is no problem/no war/no conflict till now? eakhmetova: maybe, my opinion is too tolerant, but without showing your justice you cannot demand this justice from others eakhmetova: yes, now I will send some pictures inside the aya sofia shaliha81: really, I don't what was going on at that time when Mustafa Kemal Ataturk turn the Aya Sofia mosque into a museum. can you tell me a little? eakhmetova: sister, I do not know details too eakhmetova: but he returned many mosques into a museum at that time shaliha81: ooo, is that becouse of his secularism policy? eakhmetova: yes eakhmetova: it was even prohibited to wear islamic clothe, even to have a beard eakhmetova: unfortunately, this is acting until now in Turkey eakhmetova: ok, you can see. in one picture, where I am with my brother, outside Ayasofia. eakhmetova: there you can see cross shaliha81: and then, how is muslim behaviour, muslim way of living, their islamic practice? shaliha81: ok, i'l see eakhmetova: and, sister. aya sofia is the place of making money, there is no political reason eakhmetova: one enterance to ayasofia is RM45. can you imagine? eakhmetova: and thousands of turists are coming to see it eakhmetova: life in Russia or Turkey is totally different from the life of Indonesia or malaysia eakhmetova: girls with scarf are prohibited to enter universities. they are wearing scarf outside, but taking it off insode universities in order to be able to study shaliha81: are the muslims minority there? eakhmetova: no, muslims are almost 100 % eakhmetova: this is the main problem of arab countries and Turkey, sister shaliha81: they accept all of the secularistic policy? without complaining? shaliha81: no one practice the way to life as muslim? eakhmetova: if Muslims are minority, the country can enjoy the democracy and freedom of thought eakhmetova: almost everybody is practicing eakhmetova: but sister you have to understand the worldwide political system eakhmetova: we, muslims are lazy people, we are sleping when for example, Chinese people are making money eakhmetova: we know only: makan, tidur.. what else?? shaliha81: waw, you laugh at me........, but I think just a part of islam which they practice. eakhmetova: insha Allah.. alhamdulilah.. but we are not working hard, even we are working at all shaliha81: oo, i need to read a lot of Turkey politic, after this, I think eakhmetova: this is our problem, and our mentality. we forget that we have to try to be the best nation in the world eakhmetova: we are fasting, praying, alhamdulillah, but not acting as Khalifatu Allah in the world. I am not telling about the institution of Khalifate itself, it is not usefull today eakhmetova: we are opressed people by worldwide policy makers-International Jews or Neo- Conservative Christians.. they are working hard, they are manipulating us, they are controlling our way of thinking.. shaliha81: yes, the most important think, is the meaning, the hakikat. not just symbol. we have to re-wake up eakhmetova: but problem is in ourselves, they are manipulating us because we are doing nothing, just waiting from Allah -nasr and falah shaliha81: with being lazy eakhmetova: but doing nothing. this is meaning- we are not practicing the way of life shown to us by Allah. we are just doing rituals like fasting and praying eakhmetova: but not living accordingly to islam- to try to be the best nation eakhmetova: we deserve fall and poverty, sister. problem is in ourselves. eakhmetova: I was thinking a lot when I was in Istanbul. I saw great mosques there, a great history of Islam. but it demolished.. why? where is the reason? shaliha81: yup...many of us still have thought that it's enough just doing islamic ritual, using islamic symbol.....they feel that it is islam, complitely...but, actually, mu'amalah is also important to be practiced shaliha81: islamicly eakhmetova: if mosques boilt by 1st Sultans are modest, the later mosques became the reason of wasting money, the symbol of pride of the Sultan- too much israf- so, our civilization must collapse because the foundation is not correct at all shaliha81: then, also I saw in Brunei...many beautiful mosque......empty. wasting eakhmetova: 100% of us are lazy, ignorant, in carelessness, and selfish, arrogant, and, unfortunately our mind is ful woth foolish ideas eakhmetova: you can see it more than me because you are communicating with others eakhmetova: I can see it by studiying history shaliha81: one of the reason of christ protestan, is also they protest christian practice that wasting money to build worship place, is'nt right? eakhmetova: because wasting money is means oppression of people with heavy taxes eakhmetova: money is coming from people eakhmetova: Ruling elite is producing nothing shaliha81: sister, which muslim nation is strongest now, in your opinion? eakhmetova: this is against islam and humanity. Protestanism was humanitarian movement. it started when christians were oppressed very heavily by their Churches eakhmetova: no one eakhmetova: we are same eakhmetova: I cannot see any alternative eakhmetova: Arabs, Turks, Malays did their job already eakhmetova: maybe, converted muslims of Europe will do great job for islam in the future, because their European education and open mind eakhmetova: only civilazed world can produce healthy Muslims. but there is a danger from unislamic practices which are manipulating of the coming generation like computer games.... eakhmetova: the main problem of Muslim World is uneducated arrogand population and selfish and injust government shaliha81: yah, muslim convert, stronger then muslim born becouse they found islam from their though, getting hidayah. muslim born just practicing islam like their culture. and then, like indonesia and malay, their ancient is from hindu and budha, not from strong civilization eakhmetova: but sister, unfortunately, our new converts are very brutal and extremely against other nations shaliha81: how can? eakhmetova: I know it perfectly. we want to change everything overnight. eakhmetova: we hate christians because they cannot see the truth. I know some American converts, their salafi approach.. compolsary of having 4 wives, more children as much as you can,.. then leaving children without proper tarbiyah and education.. shaliha81: different with many liberal muslim, like in indonesia, they are look like overdose of islam eakhmetova: they are triying to do all sunnah. but it is not possible today!!!!!!!! shaliha81: liberal in indonesia, they try to translate islam with their thinking shaliha81: against almost of salaf and ulema's thinking eakhmetova: try, for example to throw the stone in Haj exactly in the same time and same place from where did it Rasul Allah SAW? can 2 mln people do it together. this is sunnah? eakhmetova: it is impossible shaliha81: , also reject to go by car, and look for is sunah eakhmetova: or some people are using only miswak, saying that it is sunnah eakhmetova: but the meaning behind this sunnah is cleaning your teath. nothing else eakhmetova: for this reason, it is only sunnah, not wajib. we do not think that cleaning your teath is sunnah, but we think that using miswak is sunnah eakhmetova: sister, I am hungry, I have to cook. shaliha81: oo, thank you very much shaliha81: for all of knowledge that you share eakhmetova: we will continue some other time, insha Allah shaliha81: insyaAllah shaliha81: I also haven't take my lunch yet eakhmetova: no, do not thank me. I am also benefiting from you eakhmetova: congratulations again!!!! eakhmetova: and wassalamu aleykum wa rahmatullani wa barakatuh shaliha81: I can get spirit to explore history, from you today. thank for ur congrat. wa'alaikum sakam

Monday, January 02, 2006

Lessons on Life

There was a man who had four sons.
He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away.

The first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in the fall.

When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe what they had seen. The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted. The second son said no it was covered with green buds and full of promise.

The third son disagreed; he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen.

The last son disagreed with all of them; he said it was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of life and fulfilment.

The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had each seen but only one season in the tree's life.

He told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season, and that the essence of who they are and the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are up.

If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, fulfilment of your fall.
Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest. Don't judge life by one difficult season. Persevere through the difficult patches and better times are sure to come some time or later Dee_Masy