My baby..., three months ago, you were a tiny, microscopic living thing, too small to be seen with the naked eye, consisting of a single cell. Neither your size nor the substances which comprised you were very different to those of a bacterium. Yet a miracle happened, and that bacterium-sized cell grew billions of times in size and turned into an embryo in my rahiim. Six months later, you will be a baby. You also grew, and became a rational human being. It's a great miracle... the creation of a human being truly is.
My son...
This is one of the proofs of the infinite might of God, Who created man from a drop of water.
The Holy Quran and the Prophetic speeches have confirmed in a very accurate scientific manner the creation of man from a mingled fluid-drop (nutfa amshaj), as coined by the Quran, which says ;
“Verily We created man from a drop of a mingled fluid-drop (nutfa amshaj), in order to try him: so We gave him (the gifts), of hearing and sight.” (76:2).
Allah already chooses us as His khalifah and His abd since beginning of our creation. From hundred millions of sperms, only one sperm is choosen to be able to fertilize the ovum. Then it will be a zygote. The zygote is then divided quickly without a change in size and move from the Fallopian Tube towards the uterus, where it is implanted as seeds are implanted in the soil. You were as a zygote keeps implanting and growing in my uterus wall for 15 days, when the Alaqa (thick clotted blood) stage begins.
Quran states:
“then of that fluid-drop (nutfa) We created a leech-like clot" (23:14) .
You were an Alaqa on 15th until 24th day of your creation. You looked like a leech, which lives in ponds. You as Alaqa hanged to the lining of the uterus by the umbilical cord. Blood is then formed in the vessels at the shape of closed islands, and is not circulated in blood vessels, thus having the image of clotted blood.
A quick transformation then occurs from alaqa to mudgha within two days (day 24 to day 26). The Quran describes this rapid change with this verse:
“then We changed the Alaqa (leech-like clot) into a Mudgha (chewed-like lump) ” (23: 14).
Then, you was transformed from the stage of alaqa to the beginning of the stage of mudgha(chewed-like lump of flesh) on the 24th day to the 26th day, which is a very brief period if compared with the period of the nutfa changing to alaqa.
It is noteworthy that the stage of mudgha starts with the growth and increase of cells in a large number. You looked like a piece of meat which has no distinguished structure, then after a few days, the second stage starts, called the stage of formation (takhaloq), where some organs begin to appear, such as your eyes, tongue and lips, but your human distinguishing features do not appear except at the end of the 8th week. Limbs bulges (hands and legs) also appear in this stage. In the 5th week your heart starts beating and your placenta has already developed. The placenta is burrowing into my uterine wall to access oxygen and nutrients from my bloodstream.
During the 6th week, the cartilaginous skeleton starts to spread in the body. Transformation from the mudgha form to the beginning of the skeleton form occurs in a very short period of time at the end of the 6th week and the beginning of the 7th week. This stage is characterized with the appearance of the skeleton which gives you the human image.
Then, at the end of 7th week, you were on a stage which characterized you with muscles encircling and tightly surrounding the bones. With the completion of clothing the bones with lahm (muscles and flesh), the human image starts to be more clear, as human parts are appropriately connected. After completion of myogenesis (muscle formation), you started to move. This was considered as the end of the stage of takhaloq (formation), as Quran stated. Allah says;
“And clothed the bones with flesh; then We developed out of it another creature. So blessed be Allah, the best to create.” (23: 14)
By the end of the 8th week, a new stage starts where important processes occur. The rate of developing accelerates compared with the previous one. You transformed into another creature, as the sizes of head, body and limbs start to be balanced and regular between the 9th and 12th week. Now you are at the 10th week. Your external genital organs appear, and the skeleton develops structure from soft cartilaginous to hard calcic bones at the 12th week. Limbs and fingers are distinguished at the same week. Your gender manifest with the clear appearance of genitalia.
Next week, your weight increased noticeably. Voluntary and involuntary muscles develop, and voluntary movements start in this stage. In the 16th week I can feel your grasping with your hands, your kicking, or even somersault.
In this stage the organs and the systems become well prepared to function. you are ready for life outside my womb starting from the 22nd week to the 26th week when your respiratory system is ready to function and the nervous system is able to adjust the temperature of foetus body (but I want you still at my warm womb until you complete your 9th month...).
Your first sense to develop is hearing. You can hear sounds after the 24th week. Subsequently, the sense of sight is developed and by the 28th week, the retina becomes sensitive to light. In this stage, no new system or organs are formed, and my uterus provides food and suitable environment for the foetus to thrive until the stage of labour.
Next, after you pass of 9 lunar months (38 weeks), you completes growth in my uterus. It is time now to go out after the end of this specified period.
Our God says:
“And We cause whom We will to rest in the wombs for an appointed term ” (22:5).
“The which (foetus) We placed in a place of rest, firmly fixed, for a period (of gestation), determined. For We do determine, for We are the best to determine (things). (77: 21-23)
Then, I and your Abi can see you in this earth... We will together face this life, preparing amal as much as possible, for meet Him again to proove our responsibility to His amanah to us.
My baby...
Furthermore, you will understand that God, Who created you, is also powerful enough to raise you up again. As revealed in the verse below: "Does man reckon he will be left to go on unchecked? Was he not a drop of ejaculated sperm, then an alaq (embryo) which He created and shaped, making from it both sexes, male and female? Is He Who does this not able to bring the dead to life?" (Qur'an, 75: 36-40)
We have to try doing something as the best we can... Umi and Abi will try to educate you to know your duty as His abdi and khalifah...
We will try to fulfill this life with the usefull things, because:
“What is the matter with you, that ye are not conscious of Allah’s majesty,- Seeing that it is He that has created you in diverse stages" (71: 13-14)
My son...we miss you...we hope you...we wish you...
Rabbana Hablana min ladunKa dzurriyatan thoyyibah, innaKa Sami'ud du'a...
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