The Root Causes of the Decline of the Muslim World: An Educational Perspective
It is a well known fact that the decline of the Muslim world began with the fall of the mighty Ottoman Empire which had reigned supreme between the 14th and 17th centuries A.D. It was the dominant power in the world during this period. Experts and specialized scholars have identified the reasons of the decline of the Ottoman Empire.
Reasons of the annihilation of the Ottoman Empire:
Millitary | Superiority on the battlefield with their better military strenght in terms of arms, ammunitions and techniques | | Muslim armies remained stagnant and were utterly routed | |
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Economic | strong | | Dwindled | |
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Knowledge | Started making great strides in acquisition of modern knowledge and began developing a dynamic modern educational system | Had uneven approach and the already weakened social structure weakened further. | | |
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Scientific and technological advancement | Forged ahead | | Little or no contribution was made |
The Muslim elites receiving education in modern Western public schools, universities, and modern institutions emerged out with “modernism” deeply ingrained in their system and psyche. They became the perfect instruments of the British imperialism, and become a new class of Muslims inculcated with the spirit of nationalism, secularism, and modernism was created.
Internal factors are more significant than external factor for declining muslim world. The Qur’an unequivocally states: Verily never will God change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. [13:11] There are namely: Lack of Mission of Islam; Lack of Vision of Islamic life; Lack of Ijtihadic and Dynamic Leadership; Lack of Rationality and Empirical Method; Lack of Creativity and Ijtihad
• The message and mission of Islam have lasting bearings on the rise and fall of Islamic civilization and the Ummah.
• The Prophet Muhammad, was not the first Messenger of Islam towards mankind. He did not bring any new Truth, Message or Guidance; he came with the same Truth, and was entrusted with the same mission and duty as were given to all the Messengers. God revived through him the same genuine faith [message] for humanity for the guidance so that humanity can lead a peaceful and prosperous life on earth.
• Islam- the complete submission of man before God – is the one and only faith consistently revealed by God to mankind from the very beginning. Prophet Nuh, Ibrahim, Moses and Isa [Christ] peace be upon them,- who appeared at different times and places-all propagated the same faith-Islam.
• In the sight of God there is only one system of life and way of conduct which is both in accord with reality and morally right. This consists of man’s acknowledgement of God as his Lord and the sole object of his worship and devotion; of surrendering himself unreservedly to God in obedience and service.
• The mission of each Prophet, peace be upon him, was to call people to the right way of life, to communicate God’s true guidance afresh and to organize into one community all who responded to his mission and accepted the guidance vouchsafed to him. They were given such principles which, if followed, lead to man’s success and happiness.
• Vision is needed because we want the good of this world and the next world, which depends entirely on the correct and true vision of life.
• The Islamic vision of life is not based on conjecture; rather it is based on Knowledge, the Revealed Knowledge of the Quran and the Sunnah [the normative fundamental sources of Islam].
• The Quran and the Sunnah contain the Shariah—the code of life. The Shariah explains the Divine and universal values upon which a healthy society is developed, along with human values.
• Muslims instead of focusing on their civilization role as caliphs devoted more on the side of abd. They did not pay more attention towards the development of civilization. They ignored the duty of bringing development in human societies. Consequently, materialism emerged and spirituality disappeared from practical life.
• Today Muslims do not have their own theory and model of development based on spirituality. In the Muslim world there is a strong desire to join the developed countries but unfortunately they are not aware of the criteria of development. Hence, they are imitating the modern Western models of development.
• Ibn KhaldĂ‹n in al-Muqaddimah and Sayyid Mawdudi in The Islamic Movement: Dynamics of Values, Power and Change have contended that the rise and fall of nations and civilizations mainly depends on the role of leaders and scholars.
• The social laws of society confirm that leadership, both intellectual and political, is responsible for the decline of a nation and civilization.
• Development in the West is rightly attributed to the dynamic role of intellectuals and leaders, whereas the decline of the Muslim world is also associated with the traditional and imitative role of the Muslim intellectuals and leaders.
• Development in the West is rightly attributed to the dynamic role of intellectuals and leaders, whereas the decline of the Muslim world is also associated with the traditional and imitative role of the Muslim intellectuals and leaders.
• Development in the West is rightly attributed to the dynamic role of intellectuals and leaders, whereas the decline of the Muslim world is also associated with the traditional and imitative role of the Muslim intellectuals and leaders.
• Zaiyad Ibn Hudayr related:
“Umar said to me, “Do you know what will destroy Islam?”
When I said that I did not, he said, “It will be destroyed by the mistakes of scholars, the arguing of hypocrites using the Book, and government by leaders who are in error.”
• Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is reported to have said,
‘There are two classes in my Ummah who, if they are right the Ummah will be set right; and if they go wrong the Ummah will go wrong: they are the rulers and the scholars.’
4. Lack of Empirical and Rational Approach
• The Muslims distanced themselves from the Quran and the Sunnah, resulting in the weakness of their iman [faith] and slackness towards performance of their duties, and towards enjoining what is right and from stopping what is wrong.
• The Qur’an said:
“And hold fast all together by the Rope which Allah [stretches out for you] and be not divided among yourselves.” [16]
· The Qur’an is replete with verses inspiring people to reflect and think in order to become wise and in order to understand and view life with a rational and empirical approach. Man has been admonished to travel, to observe, and to ponder over the stories of past nations, and communities, and the fate of those who disobeyed God and His Messengers, peace be upon them.
• Instead of making proper use of of hearing, sight and heart for developing the social sciences, the human sciences, the technological sciences, and the applied sciences, the Muslims embroiled themselves in the futile polemics of “fatalism”.
• They ignored in their studies the practical aspects of life and focused on metaphysical unreal issues. dractically they became theoretical and hard core realities were ignored.
• The Muslims were generally complacent with the status quo. The Ummah was submerged in fatalism, superstitions, and rigidity. When there was no creativity, the need was not felt for either development or introduction of new institutions. The need for Ijtihad [the intellectual exertion], which was misunderstood to be confined only to the legal precepts of Islam, was also dispensed with.
• Commentaries of the Qur’an began to be written to prod the Muslims to read and understand the Qur’an.Commentaries of the commentaries were then produced. However, no new theme or theory was developed for the Ijtihad to meet the exigencies of the times.
• The Ijtihad, was instrumental for the development of the Ummah, was suspended resulting in deep stagnation, and constant decline. The Muslim mind had been insidiously secularized and Westernize
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